Sunday, October 24, 2021

For the first time

"These times are hard. They are making us crazy, don't give up."

Figuring out how best to live my life.. What I wna achieve. 
Am I intentionally holding back in some areas, working hard on others?
Should I be intentional about how I spend my time. 
Go back to basics, don't think about flying before we can walk. but dream big they say.
would appreciate more guidance on this road I am on. 

Would like to look back and know that I led my life best I could, at this point.
so many thoughts pulling from so many directions.
need to learn to quieten them.
need to learn to build up resilience, mindfulness, cultivate worthy habits.
differentiate from distractions, small things that should not matter. rid of meaningless tiresome actions.
focus on doing better in the field I am in.

Do I want to? What do I wna reach? What do I intend to pursue?
Where do we go from here..
give me clarity/direction. 
is this what happens at the 2 year mark?

could I live life more inhabited? could I live it more freely?
but does that mean being less considerate? less thoughtful bout what others might think/feel/perceive.
buttt. not now then when.

askin for bravery. to know myself, strengths and weaknesses without embellishments, with more honesty. to achieve faster growth.. what's next? where should I go from here.

Do I leave? or stay and grow till the end.
do I uphold/ espouse these values, or go back to past ways.

this is changing me do I like this change? Should I allow it/embrace it?
Is this what it means to grow professionally? Suppose this is part of adulting?
When would I fully embrace it. I should.

would love to go to ''the script'' concert... wna live more a bit more.. can we go back to a time where travelling was... easier? please help me see and live right.

between choosing the easier path, or the harder path which is right. May I choose the latter. May I choose right.

ok. let's live..