Sunday, January 27, 2019

breathe. take that. moment. then. bowl. for soup. line.

I wish I see beyond what ensnares me to appreciate this.
I wish I felt that tinge more b.ea.ut.iful again.
I wish i didn't become how I am. In pretty deep. How do I get out? Is there a way out of this?

I have no thoughts. no passion. no interest. What is in the craft that I like?
The stage in my life is almost past. I am but 24. But... does it make sense that I I have ran too much too hard through this. What next.

remind me what it means to live (free).
remind me what it means to show my soul and see how the interplay with others helps it bloom.
remind me what it means to not be on this island by myself. remind me what it means to be a friend, colleague, professional, student, daughter, girlfriend, sister.

give me a job. an interest. a prospect of what could be. Stay bright. Shine.

heal me.

as long we live, time passes by.