Monday, October 30, 2017


when we give up we // while still alive.

Friday, October 27, 2017

super. human

the best people all have some kind of scar 


I've given every breathe I got

Sometimes, we just got to break down and breathe.

The pattern of falling and picking up falling and picking up,
How much stamina do I have? To keep doing this.
Its not a big deal. But this makes me want these 2 years to quickly pass.
1 year to be exact. 1.5 semesters to be exact.

Can I still reach for what I had my eye on.
Do I still dare to.
Its hard. Who am I?

Don't really have an identity. All I know is to chase grades to chase dreams.
that to chase my dreams I have to chase grades.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Save you

Feels like nobody really care about me.
Maybe only him.
So is this a blessing? Or a tragedy.

But if he's my world. Maybe it's a blessing
It's all I need.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wake Up

Nostalgic for the past

Recently, in my quiet time, all I want to do, is to bring myself back.

Back to when:

I was 7-9 years old, and all I did was lie ever so comfortably on the bed with no worries.
All I did was to devour dramas and books and look out at the sky and... dream.

I was 13-14 years old and feeling all fearless as I start life as a teen. Remembered feeling like
anything was possible. Guess I do still feel the same now but, there is the real world kickin in.

I was 15 and starting to date. Meeting that one guy who would steal my heart. Having my best friend there who would accompany, laugh and do life with me. However, my best friend she's busy now and has her own life to lead. While I sometimes bring myself back to the part of the world where only love exist, I know it is but temporary.

At this moment, there isn't just love. There is the hustle. They say 20-30 years old should be the age where most work is put in. Only then will it set us up for better days.

in the 2000s we don't see things like rampant shooting not that it is the norm. So why is it that the world we live in now...its just different. Same but different.

There used to be emphasis on real good music, realness, friendship but it is overtaken by... to me,
music that don't really resonate to me (some are good), curated things and the need to seek external validation.

I miss the old. Where all I need to know was to play, have fun and learn. Right now, days are filled with to-dos, due dates, requirements.

soon. 2 years. 1 year to be exact. then things will get better.

I need my feet on the ground. But at this moment, my head is in the cloud.
This won't do.

I just wish reality was as good as fantasy. I just miss good ol' days.

The simpler days. Its nice to be young. But, it comes and goes.  We are just taken along through this journey.

But, we decide. We lead.

feet on the ground kris. Reality could be sweeter.soon. soon. soon.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Long Run,

I have nothing but grit.

So stick to what you want Kristal.

Having stamina, stickin with things days in and day out.
CAN YOU kristal

Do u see the horizon alrdy.

Keep goin.