Tuesday, October 23, 2018


They say

Be the master of your mind. Do not be mastered by your mind.

Probably really have to remember this.

Careful not to have ugly thoughts and hearts.  It shows. 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

be the belle of the boulevard

I am at the point in my life where, all the years of work culminates to this.
I've worked for my class, for internships, for everything, and the real deal is
the employment opportunity, the value they put on me.

will I make meaningful contributions as part of the economic workforce/ society.
where should I take my next step... who will see something in me?

Do I genuinely have something to contribute? Or am I just gna be another person in society.
Just wna neatly (nicely) go through this phase and settle into the rhythm.
of work, contribution, colleagues, meaningful work, activities, social circle, nice meals, milestones(?), giving back.

To get into this virtuous tone of --> learning, being a professional in what I do, professionalism,
commitment, balance, fulfillment, satisfaction. To do what I find meaning in, to be at the places I'd like to, at the right time. I have thoughts bout it. Time to make them reality, can I.

 Its a jump to the next phase. I ask that I've considered what I needed.
At the same time, I ask that, I do not get into it to the extent that I've rid of joy.

Through growing up, I ask that I remember who I like myself to be. That I work on me as a person and not the superficial stuff. To remember life, to live, values. and not things that are temporal.

Stay cool, kris. Stay cool everybody.

Through it all, I've thought about it.

Thanks for holding me at every point and also at my weakest and loving me(for me)anyway. Love u.
Stay Cool. Ya're the Numero Uno.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Did I on my last paper decide that.. its ok.
I know there are certain things I am not good at.
give me 10 years to master and it may be the same thing.

so.. what am I good at? They say there are three types of people: The dreamers, doers and achievers.
To me, all three types of people need to come together because they complement each other. This is...
my take.

I just want to break down and breathe.
I am constantly searching, wanting more, tellling myself " once I reach this,  I will stop".
Will this ever end? When do I say 'enough is enough'. is it ever enough? Is doing so meaning I stop achieving excellence because I am saying.. its k?

Where are these routes leading us. Do I have to be careful about the influences.

How do I stay real? and true to myself. Can I stop the pretense the facade the act.
Is ''me" and my abilities enough.

chapter V.


Saturday, May 5, 2018


kris. 3 more days to go.
Have you done what u need?
focus.  motivation.

Sunday, April 15, 2018


is the person who cry the most or the person that cry the least the stronger one?
is the person who can face their emotions head on than ignore it the stronger one.

whatever the case.. it seems like I have to grow up. 24 years old.
Can I be allowed to still act like a child. stay forever young.
I don't wna be an adult.don't ever.

I wish for those simple, rich days.

Sunday, February 4, 2018


pick yourself up
run with purpose
Do not cut corners
It is the last lap
not easy
but push on

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Wednesday, January 31, 2018


keep your eyes on the prize.
so close.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Save me

Thesis due date is coming.
I should be efficient
I should be motivated
I should be on top of my game
It is the thesis. The essay of my student life.
So. Will I pull through?

Ran a marathon last semester. Survived. Did ok.
Can I run the remaining..400m... 800m?
I want to... without running all formlessly
but. Can I stay focused.

I need advise.
I need so many things.
Stay focused.
I need love. (a happy place)
Why is adulting such a real thing.

Who are we working hard for.
One more semester kris.
3 more months. And you are .. free.
from this.

dig deep. breathe. believe. believe.
Eyes on the prize.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Finish line

I have 2 more months. to make this work.
2 more months till the end of this chapter.
I can.
give your 100% Kris.
you only have this amount of time.
make it count

use your time wisely.
stay focused.
be efficient.
know what they are looking for
stay inspired.
be fulfilled.

its hard to climb to the top
but easier to //
Stay. Kris. Stay/ Ascend Further.