Friday, August 2, 2019


I wish. I was a better person.
Smart. Effortlessly good. Superhuman.
But then again. What is my goal in life?
Is it my career? Or do I just want to take the time now to love my family, cherish my friends, enjoy the moments in life.
Seems like the case. I have chased. Chased the past 10 years. Maybe. I could taste and smell what I have sowed for so far.
Teach me to be kind. Teach me. Fill me. I miss being in the house of God. But how do u love one and blatantly not follow the other?
I wish I speak better. I wish I dared to communicate clearly. I speak in figures of speech and abstract. Because I do not dare to show how my heart really feels. Is it because it is not pretty?
I have been through so much. Let’s take stock.

From being back with Mr C. Spending our times on the books, jogging, movies, holidays.
Getting the letter from NUS that I got in. That moment when I received the notification... it was.
Should be one of the highlights in my life.
Went through my university years, figuring our group work, exchange, modules, tutorials.
Got my internships.
Ended up at HDB now.

Everybody have set the bar so high. How should I continue?
Then again. It’s 1.5 months vs years. Am doing ok.

Took stock. Now back at it. In the realll world.

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