Tuesday, July 14, 2009

bom pow pow

i just woke up from my 3 hrs of sleep and its 9.18pm now. Having the flu. My eyes hurts. Lorna says its the heat radiating frm my eyes. Heh. That makes sense! Rly didnt feel good. Picked up my phone and found out that the ASSES-Vinnie and wendie ( eh, are you all jumping fr joy now or what? ) don't have to go to school till monday! Somehow fr a sick and betty-less kris, that sounds pretty attracting. Then, come to think of it. That would be a fking cowardish act-- Not to come to school. I mean, hey kris. Pucker up ( though i don't know what the hell this means, i think it feels like GET MOVING . ) I still can live through the day greatly. I believe. -- yeah baby? Just look around me. I wanted a perfect ending. Now i've learned the harrd way; that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle ane end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it w/o knwing whats going to happen next. By yours truly. Kris.


got you there didnt i?
Nope.__, its from an old chicken soup book i randomly picked up.

Ok., i think this is the hundredth time lorna call me alrdy !
She wake me up 50 times, call me to eat another 50 times.
She is gna ring the 2.50bucks bell on me any moment now.
I bet.
Desperate attempt calls for desperate measures ay.

Anyhow, oral was!! Not bad. The topic was about weather i like sports! Which is......
probably a topic i can really... SHOULD REALLY be able to talk alot about!

Sighhhss, tough baby!

Sing-to-the dawwn

10pm, dinner time. -,-

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