Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Did I on my last paper decide that.. its ok.
I know there are certain things I am not good at.
give me 10 years to master and it may be the same thing.

so.. what am I good at? They say there are three types of people: The dreamers, doers and achievers.
To me, all three types of people need to come together because they complement each other. This is...
my take.

I just want to break down and breathe.
I am constantly searching, wanting more, tellling myself " once I reach this,  I will stop".
Will this ever end? When do I say 'enough is enough'. is it ever enough? Is doing so meaning I stop achieving excellence because I am saying.. its k?

Where are these routes leading us. Do I have to be careful about the influences.

How do I stay real? and true to myself. Can I stop the pretense the facade the act.
Is ''me" and my abilities enough.

chapter V.


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